I have been silent for about a month now. I got sick for almost one month. Good news was that I didn't miss any class at all because even if I'm not feeling well I still have the strength to pull myself up and manage to live normally as I should. I find it hard to work when I feel the pain inside me but I have forced myself to endure the pain in my back just to attend my class and be present. I promise myself from the very start that in this school year I will never have to file for a leave just because I'm not feeling well. Indeed I was present the whole time but I was shocked when I saw in my payslip that I was deducted for a one day absent. I don't understand why that happens but they told me it was a deduction from my last absent last school year 2009-2010. I don't know if that applies to it but one of these days I will visit the office and ask the secretary. Anyway, My class is ok they are very good and cooperative. I feel blessed to have kids like these batch. It inspires me do my best as a teacher. I am now well adjusted to the new time schedule but in a few weeks we need to adjust again to the another new schedule our class will start at 12:00nn and ends at 6:00pm due to the renovation and repairs of some classrooms. I like that schedule I would have a lot of time sleeping and preparing visual aids for my lesson. Life is too tough these days I need to decide if I'm going to file a leave or not for six months. I feel exhausted working with having a back pain although right now I feel a little better unlike before. I hope i'll be fine now. Have a happy day. (",)
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