Monday, March 08, 2010

Where is the light?

I can't see a thing help me. I'm just joking. I feel really upset of experiencing brown out. I just got to live with it perhaps make it as a sacrifice for the poor souls in purgatory. I went out in the house without thinking that the whole block in our street is so dark yet I still manage to go home safe thank God for that. I still got more pending jobs to do. I'm thankful because I'm busy and I got a job. I always try to look into the brighter side of things now even if there are things that bothers me once in a while but it's just a part of it. These are just spices of life that makes our life more meaningful and challenging as well. I guess I got to enjoy all the brown out thing and including the warm climate. Like what I always say this too shall pass. Have a happy El Niño Phenomenon day.


CaptainRunner said...

Take care Carms. Brown Out had been really frequent nowadays.

Verna Luga said...

The feeling is mutual Carms ... hahahah!

In This Side of Town
Anything Davao
Some Things Are Free
Woman’s elan vital

MinnieRunner said...

Nagbabrown out pa rin ba diyan Carms?

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