Saturday, May 08, 2010

I'm here

I'm back here in Cagayan de Oro. I attended the wedding ceremony of my cousin in Manila last week. I got a lot of fun bonding with my cousins. I wish to stay longer but I got a lot of work to do here that is ok even for a short time I got to be with them. We went to Ocean park Manila, Luneta Park, Malls, and attended mass in University of the Philippines chapel. I learn a lot of things there. My cousins encourage me to lose weight and inspire me that I can do that easily. They give me tips to lose weight and the best was to really exercise and quit sleeping. It is so hard to quit sleeping because I love to sleep and sleeping is one of my favorite activity of the day. I have to do this. This is for my own good. I'm starting to feel discomforts and palpitations due to my big pounds of weight. I hope I won't fail.


Maharlikah said...

It's a great experience! :-)

Yen said...

Go Carms, Kaya mo yan. Will Power Mare. hehe, sabay tayo laki na kasi ng tummy ko kakakain.

MinnieRunner said...

I guess too Carms, exercise solves it all. But make sure you still get enough sleep, at least 6-7 hours a day. Our body needs that.

kakara said...

the good quality of sleep is needed..
not too much or less :)

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