I have nothing to say. I guess I'm just too tired of our activity yesterday. We celebrated the culminating activity for the celebration of the Nutrition month. The class prepared a fruit salad. Everybody was excited and happy yesterday and they are all full. Kids love playing as always I let them play yesterday because we didn't have a formal class. They have so much fun and I just watch them running and playing outside the classroom. This batch of kids are different from last year they are obedient and they have this sense of responsibility. They have the heart and they take their studies seriously but of course there are still kids who I call baby. I have a pupil who is very intelligent. She is really good and show interest in her study. The thing that makes me so worried was she is different from her classmates. She got this behavioral problem. She easily gets irritated, she always wanted to be notice at and she changes moods once in awhile. Honestly, I have the hard time dealing with her but I always see to it that I will not appear as a bad teacher to her. I continue to help her out of her problem. The one thing I feel disappointed with is that she is really good, she got all the brains, beauty and talent to show yet because of her attitude she appears to be a failure because when she got her tantrums everything is ruin and what is hard is that she don't easily let go of her frustration and anger. She would prolong the burden and the hate she felt. I wish I could help her out since I'm going to be with her for ten months probably I could adjust to her attitude and help her resolve her unsolve issues in life. I'm seeking help and cooperation with her classmates maybe it would help her in anyway. This is my mission that I need to accomplish for this year aside from finishing my mahiwagang thesis. I wish God will help me. I'm sure He will. Have a happy weekend my friend.
Maybe, she there's something bothering her. Or it was contributed by the upbringing that her parents do to her. Keep it up Carms.
I know you can accomplish that Carms. God Bless!
Your tips are remarkable. I regularly read your blog and its very helpful.
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