I don't know how to describe my feelings but I don't have plans to figure it out anyway. Feels like everything is falling apart but I don't have to worry no more what happens, happens. My cousin honey once said that we can't change the past but we can ruin the present by worrying about the future. I just got to think of the worst things that might happen and accept the consequences I have to give it up to God. He is in charge of everything. I need to just let things be. Just got to put all my trust on Him. There is no need for me to be afraid of what will happen otherwise I'll end up six feet under hehehe. I just have to blow it in the wind. Every rain has a rainbow and every pain there is a time to heal. My head aches too much if I think a lot. I better think of happy thoughts that will divert myself from thinking of the bad things that is happening right now. I never give up on life no matter what. Have a happy weekend my friend.
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