Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Servant Leader

Last week when we have our session about servant leadership I have a lot of realization in myself. In the session we were made to form a line blindfolded with the only person who is not blindfolded is the leader in the first line. We will hold on to the shoulder of the person in front of us. Our mentor resource speakers told us to that we are going to go around the hall, streets and anywhere they are going to instruct our leaders. The rule was we should not let go of the person in front of us and we should not break the chain. At first I was so nervous because I'm afraid that I might stumble and break the chain. It was a hard session in fact after we have done it. I feel so scared that it really does bother me. I come to realized that when we in a group we should put our trust in our leader and do our part as members so that our goal and our task will be successful. Same as I am a teacher, that in everything that I do I must have confidence in me to deliver the lesson and share my knowledge to my pupils and in that way they will learn easily and have that self-confidence in them too. In all the seminars that I attended that was really one unforgettable seminars that I have ever had. I'll try to make a change and apply everything that I learned from the seminar.


odds and ends said...

That was a nice realization Carms. It takes TRUST for us to be fully confident that our leader can really lead us the way without us getting hurt.

I guess it also implies that, if we don't TRUST our leader, we would really break that chain, that would cause us to fall. So, in this case, the leader is not to be blame but ourselves.

Carms said...

I agree with you madz

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