Friday, September 25, 2009

The Final Day

I never wish this to happen but I need to let go and say goodbye for awhile for my sister and her family. I did not go with them in the airport since I still have a class. I was the one who prepared breakfast that day when they are going to Manila. I was so sad then imagine I made history because I'm the only person who got teary eyes while chopping garlic instead of the onions hehehe I was late I was supposed to be on leave but I got no choice because the day before that I was sent to another school science competition and I wasn't able to have a class then. Life has to go on I always thought before that I could not survive with it but I was wrong I know that I could get over this soon not now.


odds and ends said...

I can feel you Carms. That's how I felt when my father have to leave. Well, anyway, that's for our future.

admin999 said...

the final day... first time i read your post was so scaring. The final day it seems like the judgment day..
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Distance Learning Management
Sharing Knowledge

admin999 said...

the final day... first time i read your post was so scaring. The final day it seems like the judgment day..
Keep posting
Distance Learning Management
Sharing Knowledge

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