Sunday, September 06, 2009

Sunday Escapade

All I did today was to sleep and do nothing again. I got so very tired naturally because I worked 6 days a week. There is no class because it is the burial of the religious leader tomorrow. I wish I could accomplish the things I need to do. I thought I'll be relax now but I'm not I got to keep on going gonna keep on going no I'll never give up got to keep on going got to keep on going.


odds and ends said...

Carms, I also wanted to sleep the whole day. That's what I am missing nowadays. :(

puzzle said...

6 days a week? Buti nalang holiday nung Monday Carms no? Anyway, ang ulan dito sa Manila, lagi ako nababasa :( Musta ang weather diyan?

Carms said...

Thanks Madz and Jen for the comments

Carms said...

Thanks Madz and Jen for the comments

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