Thursday, January 14, 2010

Recovering From My Mahiwagang Asthma

Yehey! I'm slightly ok now. I went to school and saw my kids who are wondering why I was absent yesterday some even texted me and ask if I'll be in school today. I woke up at four in the morning. I see to it that I'll be early in school. At first I feel so hard to move and even to talk in class I'm still not that well. I could survive talking and explaining in short teaching the kids. The only thing I don't like is to scold kids, watch over bad moves they make and those kids who makes me angry of doing the things I don't like. It is too stressful for me. They wanted to be seen and to be given attention to. Good thing the day is finally over I was able to survive. I wish I'll be more fine tomorrow and that I'll gain back all the energy and the power ups I need for me to win the game. I need to stay strong and to stay healthy as I should be. The kids' third quarter exam will be on Tuesday. I need to double my time coping of all the topics I need to discuss and review the over all coverage of the whole third quarter exam. Get well soon too madz take care. Thank you Madz and Paulo for dropping some comments I appreciate that very much.


MinnieRunner said...

Good Morning Carms! It was a good news that you're already recovering. Know what? Running is one of the many ways to cure Asthma. Care to join me in my races? :D

I got colds now. But it won't stop me from running :D

Paulo said...

Glad that you're doing fine now Carms. I got the pictures of Mayon posted on my blog :)

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