Saturday, May 23, 2009

Wanted Heroes

I remember a line from a song that goes this way. everybodys searching for a hero. People need someone to look up to. I wonder who most of us look up to. Would it be our parents? Perhaps our siblings, teacher, grandparents or maybe our crush, popstars and rockers ? or would it be someone greater than us-God? I really don't have any idea but whoever we look up to that means that this person means a lot to us and a model to our life. We have our own choices and we have our own life to shape and live with. These people we look up to are only our inspiration to live our lives to the fullest. Choosing the person we look up to must be someone who is worthy and deserving. We are in charge of our own lives. We are the captain of our ship. We are the director of our own soap opera. then We must know how to live our lives well. Having a good role models that we look up in our lives serves as a guiding light for us to live our lives in a right way. I'm ending this by asking you. Who is the person you look up to you?

1 comment:

MinnieRunner said...

The person I look up to is my mother Carms :)

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