Friday, June 19, 2009

Life Issues

I'm imprison inside my painful heart. I've been praying all the time that I will forgive the person who hurt me and forget whatever heartaches I have here in my heart. It's just that there are times that memories just pop out in my mind. I really tried hard to be positive and cheerful all the time seems that the bad memories just goes out of my mind. I tried to fight it just couldn't control sometimes then I end up spoiling my day. It's in me. I got a choice to really delete it in my mind. Tomorrow is a another day I'll make sure that tomorrow will be a happy and memorable day to me. Trust me this day is not one of the days that I'd like to remember. I wanted to forgive her it's just that when everytime I remember what she did I'm still angry and I still couldn't accept what she did. I tried to forget it but it's just that when there are circumstances that goes my way and that it triggers my mind to remember what she did I would then feel so bad. Humility is a challenge for me. It is hard to really practice it especially when one's heart is full of pain and hatred.I need to accept it and I need to go down in order for me to totally forgive and forget her. God willing. I'm always hopeful.


Anonymous said...

You are really good with words so far and I enjoy them all. This one I can tell was a time of struggle for you and that is great to bring out emotion like this. Nice topic and good verses.

gab's mom said...

maybe you just need some time to cool down.... then you'll find it in your heart to forgive. ;-)

KunthanRaj said...

hi and hello

Nice work keep going just check mine and give you comments...

just ping me if feel exchanging links...

KunthanRaj your comments.............

hope you will....tks in advance....

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