Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Classroom News

It's a very muddy and wet tuesday today the rain didn't stop to fall. I wonder when this rain stops. It did stop but after awhile it drizzles. I got 30 kids out of 41 who were present today. I got worried about the kids who are absent because some of them have fever. I hope they get well soon. About my new haircut the kids were asking me, maam what happen to your hair? I told them I cut it short. they were surprised because I used to tie it before. Some like it some said why did you cut it maam? I can't please everybody I told them it's just for a change. I got a new update with the spoiled kid. I'm now in tune with spoiled kid. I really have the hard time adjusting to his attitude but now it is ok for me. We made agreements regarding his attitude. He is really immature and childish. I understand him but I made him realized that he is not the only pupil in my class. I see that he is really trying to cope with the adjustment of being a grade four pupil. Anyway, I keep on praying that someday he will change. By the way, I'm excited for tomorrow because the principal might get in my class. I'm ready for her visit. It is not yet final but I got to see her and talk to her with the kids if she gets in my class. God bless thanks for visiting my blog. Have a nice day.


nuts said...

It's raining in Manila and its so hard for my kids going to school during rainy days.

Unknown said...

When i read your entry,i summed it up that you are one straight forward and non pretensious one.

keep it that you man.......

visit you for the first time,hope to hear from you too

Anonymous said...

the kid is sure lucky to be in your class. trust that little kindnesses do change people. : )

pehpot said...

hi thanks for visiting :)

well it's a good thing that your brat is coping up with your class ;)

Make or Break

madz said...

Hi Carms, sorry for the late visit. Anyway, I'm glad that your spoiled kid is now adjusting.

As for your principal's visit, has she visited you? What happened?

God Bless! It's raining here too.

paulo said...

Carms, hope all is well with you. I am soaking wet last Monday. Not only that, I am late :(

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