Friday, July 31, 2009

Awesome Friday

Today we have our Nutrition Month Culminating activity. The class prepared fruit salad and the other one was the unplanned vegetable dish made by my pupils. I was overwhelmed by their efforts bringing all the materials without being told. I only prepare ingredients for the fruit salad I was surprised when they brought with them the vegetables, wood, cooking utensils and other ingredients. I prayed hard that the activity will be successful but It was more that I have asked for. Speaking about the good news I was surprised that I'm already promoted that was fast. I could not believe what I have discovered today. I was asking am I dreaming? Am I qualified? Is it really true? I was shocked and I was just staring at the walls my other co-teacher cried because she could not believe that she was also promoted. Thank you God, Jesus, Mama Mary and all the Saints in heaven it is like a miracle. I got to have my thanksgiving mass for all the graces I have received this year. Other happy news was my sister and her family received their Canada Visa today which means that they are going to Canada and permanently live there the sad part is that I'm going to miss them especially my Ate. Ate lilet is always been there for me whenever I needed her since Mand mopsy my other sister moved in the States. I hate saying goodbye and I don't like missing someone. That is life after all I've been through a lot of separation from my best friend who migrated to the states after our graduation in grade school, to my grandpa, grandma and aunt who are in heaven right now, my sisters who are in the States, my cousin honey who is in Manila and now, ate and her family is going to Canada.Life has to go on I just got to think that I may not see them always but they always remain in my heart and in my thoughts. God bless you my friend happy weekend.


odds and ends said...

That's nice of your pupils Carms. Glad that you had a great time! And oh! Congratulations for your promotion :D You really have to thank GOD for everything.

My father used to work abroad Carms, and that's maybe the reason why I do not get closer to him. I miss him now that he is in heaven.

God Bless!

kakara said...

you are not dreaming, it's real, congratulations my frenz.
be happy :)

paulo said...

You really had a heap of blessings Carms :)

Carms said...

Thank you so very much God bless

madz said...

You're welcome Carms!

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